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Pharmacy Faculty, Coimbra


Dealing with an implantation and volume limits predefined by the detailed urban plan, the proposal seeks an overall density reduction, lightening the mass sensation, in a search for light and amplitude. We propose to build six tiers, in order to dilute the high density space program defined by the promoters. With this strategy it became possible to free specific spaces to create entrances and to a central patio in a way that enhances the relationships between the public and the college spaces. Mediating the buildings relations with both limits, one more exposed to the exterior, defining the facade, and another much more private one, to the patio, two very different skins are installed. In the exterior facades we propose a textured and regular covering, in order to compact the volume and to control the scale effect enhanced by the numerous windows needed. This black metal membrane, allows some view of the inner life through its different transparency level, in particular in the day/night transitions. In the pateo, seeking to an humanized ambience, there’s a system of climber vines, intertwined with the windows. Here, it’s a live and ever-changing system that is going to perfume the central space of the college, through the seasons, with different strokes, bestowing upon it a specific character and , wishfully, a soul.






Pedro Matos Gameiro (coordination), Carlos Crespo and Gonçalo Pinheiro

design team

Artur Cabral, Filipa Almeida


Valter Lucio - VERSOR, consultas estudos e projectos

electrical engineering / fireproofing concept

António Trindade - ATSE, serviços de engenharia

HVAC air treatment 

Galvão Telles


Leonor Cheis - NPK, arquitectos paisagistas

project year




model matos gameiro arquitectos photography Pedro Verde


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